Thursday, October 9, 2008

One Month Checkup

Jim and I took Ellie to the pediatrician for her one month checkup. I can't believe that she is already one month old. Ellie weighed 8 lbs 13 oz. Neither one of us could believe that she had gained almost 2 lbs since she was born. The doctor said she looked great and was doing well. Ellie did have to get one shot. She made the most pathetic face you have ever seen, but only cried for just a minute. They also had to prick her heel, but that wasn't as bad. We survived.
When we got home Jim had to go back to work and then all hell broke loose. I was feeding Ellie and I felt something wet. She had an explosive diaper that went all up her back, through her outfit, and onto my pants. We both got all cleaned up, changed, and settled back down. Then I felt something else wet and realized that her heel was bleeding profusely. So we had to get all cleaned up and change again! Oh the trauma! It was just one of those afternoons. Needless to say we were both exhausted.


amyandcarltonwatt said...

Poor thing! Isn't it amazing how much dirty laundry such a little thing can make??

Christi said...

Audrey is the poopey queen! She and Ellie need to get together and have a party! I enjoyed reading your post. It made me laugh out loud!