Hanging out on my chair
Just a little update. I am feeling completely inadequate! I don't know what I am doing each day, but I sure can tell you what is not getting done! It is very frustrating and I feel like we live in a pigsty! Our poor washing machine and dryer didn't know what they were in for when they got delivered to our house. I feel like they are both running all day long and we continue to have more laundry. Do you think it would be bad if I restricted everyone to two outfits per week? Hopefully I will be able to get on top of this wreck of a house this weekend. My mom is coming down on Sunday to stay for a couple of days. I know she will be able to help. I'll just try not to get lost in our clutter before then! The real truth is I would rather take Ellie for a walk then vacuum and sweep! But who wouldn't with this beautiful weather we are having!
We have had a few more visitors recently. Sarah, my friend from high school came by with her daughter Grayson. Grayson and Ellie have the same birthday, just 6 years apart. We had fun hanging out and visiting. Grayson has adopted Ellie as her cousin, considering the fact that they have the same birthday.
Sarah, Ellie and Grayson
Grayson holding "cousin" Ellie
We love visitors!
Joy, my friend from Liberty Park, also came by with her daughter Ella Joy who is 1 1/2. We had a great time visiting with them as well. It is so much fun to have my friends stop by and see us. With each visit it makes me feel like our house is becoming more of a home, plus it never hurts to see a familiar face and get a much needed hug from a friend! It really was fun to see both of the little girls and think about how Ellie will grow up like these precious little girls.
Joy and Ellie
Joy ang Ella Joy, Dorsey and Ellie
I feel the same way! It is much more fun to go on a walk than clean the nasty house. Oh well! The house can be cleaned later. WE need to enjoy the babies as much as we can because they will not be babies for long! I am going to visit next time we head down that way!
I am with Amy, there will always being cleaning to do. Enjoy that sweet baby girl and beautiful weather! Great to see you guys! We must do it again very soon! Miss you!
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