Monday, June 29, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

It has been crazy since the beginning of June. Here's a recap.

We started the month with a trip down to Dauphin Island. It was fun hanging out with Aunt Missy and Uncle Robert, cousins Catherine (15) and Melissa (13), and all the other friends who came around. Jim, Robert, and some of the cousins and friends went fishing. Most of the older girls stayed behind and played. Ellie loves swimming in the pool, watching the birds and playing with the puppies when we are down there.

Ellie and Hazel


Hazel and Aunt Missy

Hazel checking out Ellie.

Ellie, Melissa, and Coco

Hazel loving on Ellie.

We went over to Perdido Key for a dental conference the second week of June. Ellie had her first experience at the beach. She sorta liked the sand, but I think the ocean waves were too loud. She really didn't like putting more than her feet in the water. We sat on our balcony a lot because it was too hot and she liked looking out at everything.

Ellie and her daddy

Momma actually got in a picture

Checking out the surf

At the end of the week, my parents meet us in Mobile and then we went back down to Dauphin Island with Jim's brother Robert and his family. Robert and Missy have been so good to us since we moved down here and we love spending time with them and their girls. They are even kind enough to let us all stay at their house at DI. Ellie loved playing with the puppies again and Jim loved the opportunity to do a little more fishing. We had a blast and I am so glad that Baba and Grandchuck were able to join us!

Ellie loves watching the birds.

Hazel and Coco

The next weekend Jim had another conference this time at the Grand Hotel in Point Clear. Ellie and I went over and spent Saturday at the hotel. We loved spending time swinging under the huge oak trees, going into town for lunch and making some new friends. It was hot, but we enjoyed it. We went to a dinner party that night and Ellie loved it. We were outside and she loved watching the birds and listening to the music. Then people started dancing and they had lights...she was totally entertained. We had to pull here away at 10:00 to go home! I intended to take Ellie back on Sunday to take some pictures, but we were exhausted.

Last week we had Ellie's 9 month portraits taken. It was hot, yet again, but she did great. I can't wait to see them! We also went out to lunch for Aunt Missy's birthday, twice! Lucky us!
This weekend we were actually at home. It was nice to just be at home.

On another note, today is our anniversary. It is so hard to believe that it has been 7 years! I don't know where the time went. Here's a little something from that day.

Now June is just about over and it is on to July. We will be heading to Vermont on the 8th. I can't wait!!! More about that later...

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