Ellie has hit some recent milestones. Crawling, pulling up, using a sippy cup, eating cheesy poofs and cheerios and playing, playing, playing.
She loves to crawl all over the place and will barely sit still any more. She loves to crawl all over the kitchen when Jim is cooking. Another favorite target is the cat. RC is not so sure about her recent ability to move about. He tries to hide on top of the ottoman, but low and behold she learned to pull up about three days after learning to crawl.
After RC...
but he escapes.
Daddy has to separate the "children".
Did you see me, I almost got him!
Ellie also loves her new found talent of feeding herself. She loves the Gerber lil crunchies that we refer to as cheesy poofs. She could eat the whole can if we let her.
She is not as crazy about cheerios. She likes to pick them up and toss them around, but only eats a few at a time.
Ellie is also not as excited about her sippy cup. She would much rather sip out of a cup than use the sippy cup which proves to be very messy.
Ellie loves to play with her toys. We found these great boxes for her toys and she loves to grab them, turn them over, crawl over them, and generally make a big mess.
We also got a baby pool for her this weekend and she went "swimming" for the first time Sunday. It was a little cold at first, but she really liked it. I have a feeling this is where we will spend most of our summer afternoons.
Heading to the slide!